Thursday, June 30, 2011
Eric Saade feat. J-Son - Hearts In The Air (video)
Melodifestivalen-winner Eric Saade presents his new album "Saade Vol.1" and brand new video supporting latest single "Hearts In The Air" featuring J-Son.
Album has met hard criticism in Swedish media, it's really difficult to find any positive review about new Eric's album and unfortunately we're not gonna defend this album, we usually don't write negative reviews, we just don't waste our time if something isn't quite interesting for us but as we had to mention new video, here's our opinion about "Saade Vol.1".
Initially idea of the album was quite promising, Swedish pop fans would never refuse new album following Ke$ha meets Robyn concept with milder and more...Swedish sound and still many will be enjoying it. But when you want to become new Ke$ha or Robyn you should realize that it's not nice tunes and modern arrangement that made them international stars. It was their audacity, uniqueness, craziness and wish to make their own trend to be followed. We're not those prudes who put originality to the top, sometimes we can easily enjoy some cheesy secondary pop and if we got Cutfather-penned "Me and My Radio" or disco-flavoured "Killed By A Cop" as new singles we would praise it immediately loading our player with them but in bulk these songs (lacking growth a lot by the way) have completely lost their faces. Is it fail of songs though? Well, it's not the strongest hit-stuff ever written by such amazing songwriters like Jason Gill, Fredrik Kempe, Jörgen Elofsson, Fredrik Thomander but it could sparkle if September or Agnes took it, Eric not having such a stong personality vocally just physically can't lift these songs. Probably "Made Of Pop", "Still Loving It" and "Popular" are the only tracks reminding you that you're listening to the album, not the same long track. "Hearts In The Air" getting to a pack of twin-sisters is completely lost unfortunately. But you can enjoy new video shot for this song and remember that we're gonna get second part of "Saade" that hopefully will be more brave, personal and different.
- Ярлыки: Eric Saade, Hearts In The Air, J-Son, Saade Vol.1
- (3) Comments
Supermarkets feat. Danny Saucedo - Crash & Survive
Anders Bagge's club-project Supermarkets presents brand new single "Crash & Survive" and it's not less than Danny who's on duty for the vocal.
Supermarkets have started few months ago with debut single "Du säger du älskar mig" featuring vocals of Danish singer Medina and vocal of Anders Bagge. Single hasn't charted in official Swedish chart but still floats around in iTunes Top-200 and probably Danny is the key to Supermarkets' big success.
Last Danny's album was definitely to out taste but something was missing (not just in our opinion) and this something was track who could beat "In The Club" or at least fight on the same level. If "Crash & Survive" was included into Danny's album it could become worthy "In The Club" sequel with its agressive slightly Swedish House Mafia-inspired sound. Chorus is absolutely anthemic and whole track gives impression of a monster club-hit!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Danny, September and BAO at Allsång På Skansen
Allsång På Skansen starts new era with new host Måns Zelmerlöw and first episode has got two Swedish international stars - Danny and September, Benny Andersson's Orchestra with Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Körberg and Kalle Moraeus and Lunds studentsångare ensemble as lovely bonus.
Fantastic September performed probably the biggest hit in Sweden of this and last year "Mikrofonkåt" with new "Party In My Head" and Evert Taube's "Så Skimrande Var Aldrig Havet". Danny was singing two of his latest singles - "In The Club" and "Tonight" and making two fantastic covers of "Vart ska vi sova i natt" and "Sverige" with Måns. BAO team has performed three songs from the newest album - "O klang och jubeltid", "Allt Syns När Man Är Naken" and "Kära syster" (all three songs are written by Benny and Björn by the way). Sure Måns hasn't missed expectations, showing the best of his vocal and charisma and there's no doubt that he'll lift this year's show with the help of many amazing artists. You can watch whole show here.
Danny - In The Club
Danny - Tonight
Danny and Måns Zelmerlöw - Vart ska vi sova i natt
September - Party in my head + Mikrofonkåt
September - Så skimrande var aldrig havet
BAO med Helene Sjöholm och Tommy Körberg - Kära syster
BAO med Helene Sjöholm och Tommy Körberg - O klang och jubeltid
BAO med Helene Sjöholm och Tommy Körberg - Allt Syns När Man Är Naken
BAO - Skånepotpurri
Mikael Wiehe - Flickan och Kråkan
Lunds studentsångare - Oh boy!
Lunds Studentsångare - Uti vår hage
Husbandet och kören - Humbuggie Woogie
Måns Zelmerlöw - Goddag, goddag
Måns Zelmerlöw - Flickan och Kråkan
Måns Zelmerlöw - Stockholm i mitt hjärta
Adrian Lux feat. Rebecca & Fiona - Boy (video)
Two days ago I told you about newest single "Boy" from Adrian Lux featuring Rebecca & Fiona and now we get a video .
Adrian usually delivers quite qualitative videos and this is not exception. It's all about girls dancing among naked male bodies and Adrian playing drums in a spotlights but it's very well shot, strong video connecting with this fantastic dance-track very nicely. Check yourself!
- Ярлыки: Adrian Lux, Boy, Rebecca and Fiona
- (0) Comments
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Ola, Thomas Di Leva and Christer Sjögren at Lotta på Liseberg
We can say that the latest Lotta på Liseberg was all about diversity. Three absolutely different pop-artists but all of them are really beloved in Sweden and most of the audience definitely had someone to pick. We had Ola who performed the latest single "Riot", Astrid Lindgren's "Idas sommarvisa" and took part in few potpurris, Thomas Di Leva was singing his own songs and Christer Sjögren mostly performed covers of old popular songs. We can't help but mention also nice remake of The Moniker's "Oh My God!" by Mats Liljeberg and performance where Lotta's guests have made covers of each other Så mycket bättre-style. Watch whole episode here.
Ola - Riot
Ola - Idas sommarvisa
Christer Sjögren – Livet det har varit gott mot mig
Lotta Engberg och Christer Sjögren - Rosa på bal
Christer Sjögren - Burnin love
Christer Sjögren - Kristina från Vilhelmina
Thomas di Leva - För evigt underbart
Thomas di Leva - Vad är frihet
Artisterna sjunger varandras låtar
Sanna Nielsen's anniversary concert
26-years-old Sanna Nielsen celebrates 15 years of her music career this year. Can you imagine? 15 years ago this legendary schlager-lady has released her first huge hit "Till en fågel". Later she had 9 albums (including best and Christmas compilations) and six Melodifestivalens where Sanna never missed the final. Absolutely fabulous career and Sanna celabrates anniversary with big tour "En Gång När Jag Blir Stor", P4 gives us a chance to visit one of concerts virtually. What can we say about? This gig is gonna be 1-hour schlager-heaven for all fans of Sanna or just those who enjoyed her hits more or less through all these years. You're gonna listen to some biggest Sanna's Melodifestivalen-entries with live band, songs from the newest album "I'm In Love" and nice acoustic versions of other old beloved hits, it all feels classic and really homey and warm.
And as small video-bonus check latest Sanna's performance with "I'm In Love" at Kvällen Är Din.
I Drove All Night
Part Of Me
Rör vid min själ
Till en fågel
I går, i dag
Demolition Woman
Not Afraid To Love
Vågar du, vågar jag
Hela världen för mig
I'm In Love
Empty Room
Hilda Stenmalm - Brief And Beautiful
Swedish young pop-stars camp has got a fresh blood, today Hilda Stenmalm premieres brand new video for the single "Brief And Beautiful".
Hilda has got a big credit being invited to join summer-tour Diggiloo with artists like Charlotte Perrelli, Linda Bengtzing, Jessica Andersson, Magnus Carlsson and Linda Pritchard this year so she can't dissapoint the audience.
After taking part in some talent kids contest she was mentioned but Eric Saade's manager, got involved in Disney's productions and was signed by not less than Roxy Recordings (Malena Ernman, Sarah Dawn Finer, Le Kid, etc.)
Last Christmas Hilda has released single "Just One Wish" presenting her Swedish Miley Cyrus image of sweet girl with guitar and now she has a new single - "Brief And Beautiful" - cover of Maria Arredondo's successful single in a pack with new video that you can watch right below.
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Ark – Pantamera
We all remember that The Ark are splitting up later this year but it doesn't stop them to burn last months appearing everywhere they can and everyway they are really wanted.
Latest example of their crazy activity is taking part in "Pantamera"-company main idea of which is recycling that is followed by Swedes so diligently (and it deserves huge respect I should say).
The Ark has recorded their version of advert song sounding slightly rock-musical or Queen meets Mika and has even shot video that is complete madness in its best sense. Check yourself and thanx for the tip to Popdrömmen.
- Ярлыки: Pantamera, The Ark
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Adrian Lux feat. Rebecca & Fiona - Boy
One of the latest Swedish club-wonders Adrian Lux presents new single "Boy" featuring electronic duo Rebecca & Fiona and it's not the first collaboration between these artists.
Popularity of Rebecca & Fiona has started after girls involvement in SVT reality-project showing girls' way to establishment of their music career and since that they've released 3 singles which were noticed by audience more or less - soft electronic "Luminary Ones", hard clubby "Bullets" and the latest half-acoustic "If She Was Away".
We told you about Adrian Lux before so I think he doesn't need introduction, Adrian being boyfriend of Rebecca couldn't stay apart from girls' project and already helped them with previous releases by production and mixes but this time he invites Rebecca & Fiona to take part in his own new release "Boy" - dark club-track, probably the poppiest and the most accessible dance-track of both Adrian and R&F and sure we don't blame them as it sound amazing with all hypnotizing atmosphere of Adrian's works. You can check it along with mixes pack below.
- Ярлыки: Adrian Lux, Boy, Rebecca and Fiona
- (0) Comments
The Pusher - Blow Me And Run (video)
New The Pusher's video for the next single "Blow Me And Run" is unleashed and just like the song it's a great, energetic adrenaline rush. It's all about cut from band's live-performance with flashing light and wind-machine working in a full-mode and guys wandering around building area but damn, it all makes the song even more amazing and brings even more power to the whole pack!
Band currently tries to break through in Germany being invited to perform there this summer but Sweden will also get a piece of The Pusher at huge Peace and Love festival already on Thursday.
- Ярлыки: Blow Me And Run, The Pusher
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
Club-Idol Alexander
Idol's viewers should remember Alexander Konstantoulas that talented guy who tried his luck in 2007 and 2008 but not managing to get to the show has got contract though and has released his #2 single "I'm Sorry" - not so many of Idol-participants can boast of reaching it and debut album "Come Alive".
However it wasn't the latest success of Alexander and in the end of 2010 he has appeared at DJ Antoine's album "Wow" delivering vocals for two tracks - "Anywhere you go" and "Say my name" and we really like both of them.
Alexander's romance with club-music is not over and this summer he's releasing collaboration with Houseshaker and Dj Nico "So in Love" and as well he was involved recording track "Isabella" for Raaban's new EP "One Of A Kind" I recently talked about. You can check both works below.
- Ярлыки: Alexander Konstantoulas, Anywhere you go, I'm Sorry, Isabella, Say my name, So in Love
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Urban Cone – Urban Photograph
Latest loud debut of June - Stockholm-based band Urban Cone presents new single "Urban Photograph" that makes critics call them young Miike Snow and though we don't have the same associations we find track quite interesting experimental electronic work.
"Urban Photograph" has the same sort of charm you can find in Salem al Fakir/Christian Walz area of pop - it's delicate, introvert, feelgood, catchy and it's definitely great to get this sort of new arriving artists like Urban Cone.
Single is released with Video Violence and Lucas Nord remix (we especially recommend Swedish House Mafia-smelling the last one!) that you can check with official video right below.
- Ярлыки: Urban Cone, Urban Photograph
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Sommarkrysset: Eric Saade, Sahara Hotnights, Patrik Isaksson
Another big summer TV-show Sommarkrysset has started new season inviting some popular musicians to please taste of the most different listeners so we've got Eric Saade with his latest singles "Popular" and "Hearts In The Air", schlager-veteran Patrik Isaksson with one of his biggest hits "Du får göra som du vill" and recently come back Sahara Hotnights with song "Vulture Feet" from new album "Sahara Hotnights" and old hit "Cheek To Cheek". Watch whole episode here.

Eric Saade - Popular
Eric Saade & J-Son - Hearts in the air
Sahara Hotnights - Vulture feet
Sahara Hotnights - Cheek to cheek
Patrik Isaksson - Du får göra som du vill
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Les Jumo feat. Mohombi - Sexy (full version)
We had a teaser of brand new hit of Mohombi and Les Jumo "Sexy", we had a leak of its full version and now we have a full video and I can say that complete pack is one big summer music bomb!
Track contains everything you love about Mohombi - incredible catchiness of simple but lovely tune, tropical beach party atmosphere and yes, it's undeniably sexy!
- Ярлыки: Les Jumo, Mohombi, Sexy
- (2) Comments
Vacuum live in Ukraine
Oh, how fantastic!!! In the beginning of June Vacuum presented their new track "Black Angels" that we've fallen for from the first listen and recommend you to check it right now if you didn't!
This week Mattis Lindblom has arrived to Kiev to perform (yesterday) in Kiev Planetarium and while we're waiting for reponses from our friends who visited this concert you can already check lovely meeting of the band with fans and live-performance of Vacuum at Shuster-live TV-show with their biggest hit "I Breathe" and new single "Black Angels" that project (and we) has high hopes on. Mattias always sounds brilliant live and this time it wasn't exception. If I saw Vacuum's performance for the first time in my life I could easily think it's playback, so good it is!
- Ярлыки: Black Angels, I Breathe, Vacuum
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Midsommar with Timoteij
Not so long-awaited but definitely long-awaited comeback of Timoteij has become all sorts of fabulous when girls presented their new single "Het" smoking hot folk-schlager dynamite that exploded us this May.
Soon after release we've got new video and now after girls performed at this National Day of Sweden few weeks ago we can see them singing live again in Nyhetsmorgon.
Timoteij has logically performed "Het" and singles "Kom" and "Högt över ängarna" from debut album at open-air stage with live band and it has definitely added loads of Swedish summer atmosphere to this mini-gig (what we love so much in shows like Allsång and Sommarkrysset).

- Ярлыки: Het, Högt över ängarna, Kom, Nyhetsmorgon, Timoteij
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Pauline - Jack In The Box
Few weeks ago I told you about Pauline coming back to the spotlight to provide vocals for Swingfly's and Petter's latest releases, fact that we were absolutely delighted to discover. But to our big and pleasant surprise Pauline is presenting brand new single "Jack In The Box" this summer!
"Jack In The Box" is classic "Give Me A Call"-Pauline with hit-feeling jazz-pop tune emotionally complicated and vocally absolutely sweet.
Pauline is still unique artist in Swedish music and we're really glad she's back with new portion of her lovely retro-pop, hope to get more soon!
- Ярлыки: Jack In The Box, Pauline
- (0) Comments
Friday, June 24, 2011
Jean Love - Let's Party (Raaban Remix)
Remember I told you about fantastic Jean Love's single "Let's Party" released few months ago?
Then we thought it wasn't right time to release it as this song feels like real summer hit and it could get more buzz in a warm season but now we've got fresh remix from Rabaan and it's even more amazing than original version.
"Let's Party" in this version changes sound from slightly Romanian-breathing dance to massive hands in the air mix that's gonna become something more loveable for Swedish pop fans. Here it is!
- Ярлыки: Jean Love, Let's Party, Raaban
- (0) Comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Malena Ernman - I Det Fria
Melodifestivalen-2009 winner Malena Ernman will release new opera album "Opera Dei Fiori" on July 6. Seems like the contest has given really big push to career of Malena, it's already 3rd album for just 2 years and like both previous - post-MF "La voix du nord" and Christmas "Santa Lucia - En klassisk Jul" charted at #1 and #2 we can expect huge success for a new one too. Schlager-fans will probably still be disappointed as Malena's not going to come back to her pop-experiments and we find this solution pretty wise as it's the most important thing after MF - to find non-schlager niche and to do the most to establish yourself there making people forget about your schlager-label and Malena has her fantastic voice, charisma and uniqueness to do it.
Still new album contains one pleasant surprise for all pop-fans - brand new single "I Det Fria" written by Fredrik Kempe and Malena's husband Svante Thunberg, produced by Danne Sundquist and it's right that sort of epic nordic opera-ballads with Swedish folk-touch and huge orchestral arrangement you can expect from author of "My Heart Is Yours" but still making a big step from pop to opera and folk. It's as massive as you'd love it to be so I know you're gonna enjoy it!
- Ярлыки: I Det Fria, Malena Ernman, Opera Dei Fiori
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Eric Saade opens new season of Allsang på Grensen
Not only Sweden starts new season of big live open-air TV-shows. Norwegian Allsang på Grensen starts this week as well and this year it has some Swedish guests as well - Dr. Alban, Charlotte Perrelli, Måns Zelmerlöw and Eric Saade (check full list at Schlagerfiasko). Last two guys visited first episode of the show and public was obviously very glad to see Eric singing his Eurovision-hit "Popular" starting with ballad-version and switching to original version with full dancers gang later.
- Ярлыки: Allsang på Grensen, Eric Saade, Popular
- (3) Comments
Mohombi at Mad VMA 2011
I guess if we would try to catch every European TV or radio-event where currenly Mohombi appears this blog would get an article about him every day so we obviously don't do it but absolutely can't miss performance at such a big show like annual Greek Mad TV Video Music Awards bringing together not only biggest local stars but also some international beloved guests.
This time Mohombi has visited Mad VMA to perform his biggest hit "Bumpy Ride" that we still enjoy a lot and brand new single "Coconut Tree" with Katerina Stikoudi (Greek representative at Miss World-2005) replacing Nicole Scherzinger and singing her part in Greek. Great energetic performance with beautiful Katerina looking a bit Megan Fox and Mohombi driving audience completely crazy.
- Ярлыки: Bumpy Ride, Coconut Tree, Katerina Stikoudi, Mad VMA, Mohombi
- (2) Comments
Johan Agebjörn & Le Prix - Watch The World Go By (feat. Lake Heartbeat)
Not so long ago we told you about new electronic artist Johan Agebjörn with his latest album "Casablanca Nights" supported by singles "Watch The World Go By" and "The Last Day Of Summer" fallen into our spot.
And though the video for "The Last Day Of Summer" was presented just a month ago here we have another video for "Watch The World Go By" and we fall in love with this fantastic chill-out track with its happy colourful summer video even more.
We didn't get this sort of music in Sweden on such outstanding level quite long so we're especially glad to discover it now.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Sound Of Arrows - Magic
How fantastic to see The Sound Of Arrows' comeback in a full mode, few months ago we've got absolutely amazing new single "Nova" causing huge buzz in Internet-community and now they present another single "Magic" with video that is even better.
"Magic" is not that sort of dreamy synth-tracks you could expect from The Sound Of Arrows, it's still electronic but more poppy and with more direct tune partly performed with children's choir moving whole track a bit to hardly categorizable indie-direction. Video with kids awaken in the world with no people but big kind "Where the wild things are" monsters is just to watch and watch again!
- Ярлыки: Magic, The Sound Of Arrows
- (1) Comments
Ansiktet - X
Salem Al Fakir, Peter Jöback, Christian Waltz, Christian Olsson (Fibes Oh Fibes), Musse Hasselvall, Mange Schmidt, Thomas Rusiak, Eric Gadd and Magnus Carlson (which is not Carlsson!). Have we seen bigger quantity of Swedish music stars guesting in the other artist's video?
If you're into Swedish music for real (and even a bit more) faces of Ansiktet will look familiar to you - Herbert "Afasi" Munkhammar is half of Afasi & Filthy and you could previously see Erik Emanuel Nordström in Lilla Sällskapet.
Now guys work together making their own special sort of soul-music and their first big success is this lovely summerish video featuring ton of well-known artists for quite pleasant new single "X". Nice moment to release it two days before Midsommar.
Alex Saidac - We Shine (video)
Another today's video premiere is provided by our new pop-sweetheart Alex Saidac, we were utterly excited by her debut single "We Shine", by teaser of her video, by remix, by everything this girl has presented so far and finally we get the video and expect it to become the best Swedish pop-video of this year (at least I can't remember directly we had something better).
We love idea of Alex driving in her jeep around frozen city to warm up the party with her hot track, bunch of dancers wearing light cables (another lovely idea!) and Jakke "The Pusher" Erixson as a DJ. Alex looks all sorts of fab and big Melodifestivalen dancers gang is on the place, everything's jumping, dancing and delivering mass of club-joy. We love the video and we love Alex! Cuz we all shine!
- Ярлыки: Alex Saidac, We Shine
- (1) Comments
Ola - Riot (video)
Let's have a video Wednesday today, nothing but new videos from artists you should know if you regularly read this blog. Two long-awaited and one unxpected but very welcome.
First video is from Ola whose next single is another album-track "Riot". Previously we told you about promising teaser of the video and as we expected video has become quite dark and full of exotic characters - Russian mafioso, dancing mummies, giant voodoo dolls, robots... Scary? Nope, just nice dance-video with pop-energizer Ola (I still want this jacket made of broken mirror!!!) and one of our favorite tracks from this album that was released 9 months ago but we're not tired of it still!
- Ярлыки: Ola, Riot
- (1) Comments
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Camilla Brinck - Breaking
Camilla Brinck is back with new single "Breaking" and if you still don't know this amazing artist here I am to tell you.
Camilla has appeared in Swedish music 10 years ago releasing album "Heaven" that has given her hits "Heaven" and "Tell Me" in Sweden and "Bye Bye Forever" showing her to Europe with the song spreading to radio stations abroad.
Later in 2005 Camilla has tried Melodifestivalen with the song "Jenny" that hasn't qualified to the final but very soon Camilla has come back becoming female vocalist of loud pop-project Nouveau Riche after Dominika Peczynski's leaving the band. Nouveau Riche released one album and as there wasn't a lot of activity later Camilla has started trying solo-career again and here's new and really qualitative effort.
New single "Breaking" is modern dance-track with soft Therese-breathing house-pop vibes and sensitive vocal covering track with slightly meditative atmosphere. Worthy comeback and really promising release.
- Ярлыки: Breaking, Camilla Brinck
- (1) Comments
Monday, June 20, 2011
Lotta På Liseberg season starts tonight!
This year season of summer tv-shows starts lately but finally it's here. Allsång På Skansen, Lotta På Liseberg and Sommarkrysset have already announced lineups and the first show to start is Lotta På Liseberg with (like it's always actually) heavily schlageristic staff including Sanna Nielsen with her brand new single "Can't Stop Love Tonight" (really wise summer choise in our opinion!), acoustic version of "I'm In Love" and Peter Lundblad's classic "Ta mig till havet", Orup with medley of his old hits ("Stockholm", "Regn Hos Mig", "Då står pojkarna på rad") and the newest single "Huddinge" performed with Le Kid (!!!), Swedish singer Loa Falkman and Eurovision-2009 winner Alexander Rybak who recently released Swedish traditional album and hasn't missed the moment to present new stuff. Check whole show here.

Sanna Nielsen - I'm in love
Sanna Nielsen - Cant stop love tonight
Sanna Nielsen - Ta Mig Till Havet
Orup - Medley
Orup - Huddinge
Loa Falkman - Till havs
Loa Falkman - Dans på Sunnanö
Alexander Rybak och Mats Paulsson - Barfotasång
Alexander Rybak och Mats Paulsson - Resan till dig
Alexander Rybak och Mats Paulsson - Visa vid vindens ängar
27.06 - Christer Sjögren, Thomas Di Leva, Ola, Jörgen Mörnbäck.
04.07 - Marlena Ernman, The Poodles, Swingfly feat Pauline.
11.07 - Jessica Andersson, Charlotte Perrelli, Linda Pritchard, Alcazar.
18.07 - Jenny Silver, Jack Vreeswijk, Ann-Louise Hansson, Josefin Glennmark, Brolle.
25.07 - Lill Lindfors, Ulrik Munther, Martin Rolinski.
01.08 - Danny, Arja Saijonmaa, A friend in London, Paradise Oskar, Stella Mwangi.
08.08 - Eric Saade, Tomas Ledin, Thomas Pettersson, September.
SOL/Stat & Orchestra Live - Say Hello
World hit-machine Max Martin is back home to take part in producing new summer tune for SOL/Stat & Orchestra Live - project behind Johan Stattin - Swedish singer and actor previously noticed in some TV and film-productions but musician first of all.
"Say Hello" is light raggae-pop Christian Walz/Vincent-smelling track, not another steroid-pop blockbuster that you could expect from Max but just enjoyable smiling summer track with catchy chorus and lovely atmosphere.
Video definitely plays important part in creating warm summer feeling of "Say Hello" and visually it's another association with Vincent but we love Vincent and wouldn't refuse if he released this absolutely loveable song.
- Ярлыки: Say Hello, SOL, Stat and Orchestra Live
- (0) Comments
Dessie - Whatcha Got
Trying music-career is becoming popular trend for Swedish bloggers and sometimes we get real pop-diamonds when some serious pop-forces are involved.
This time it's 17 years old but utterly popular Swedish blogger Dessie (or Desiree Nilsson) to come out with brand new single "Whatcha Got" written and produced by Trinity (who previously worked with Agnes, Pussycat Dolls, Lazee and The Veronicas) and this try has turned to quite amazing soft Kylie-inspired disco-track with top-production and dancefloor-tastic chorus (disco-dancefloor-tastic), single will be released with Seb1Beatz Remix and video that you can already watch below.
- Ярлыки: Dessie, Trinity, Whatcha Got
- (0) Comments
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Newkid - Jag Gråter Bara I Regnet
Young hip-hop artist Alexander JR Ferrer presented eponymous album under name Newkid this spring, work that we could've missed if we didn't discover track I'm gonna tell you about. This song has made us pay attention to the album that turned to be quite qualitative mix of hip-hop, r'n'b and pop with fellow definitely having something to tell to his public and to do on the stage.
But let's get back to the reason causing this article - "Jag Gråter Bara I Regnet" - one of a kind song of this album that we wouldn't be surprised to see on Oskar Linnros' or Veronica Maggio's albums. Being fan of Scandinavian music I can't help but mention associations with Danish pop generously powdered with electronic sound and with such a soft hip-hop touch that we wouldn't dare to categorize this track at all. We'll be just enjoying it and acoustic performance that you can also check below.
- Ярлыки: Jag Gråter Bara I Regnet, Newkid
- (0) Comments
Linda Sundblad på svenska
Around month ago swetest Linda Sundblad presented her new experimental work "Intim" - first single she's done in Swedish and we really appreciate this step. Linda who easily found a way to Swedish hearts with her debut solo-album "Oh My God!" wasn't so lucky with the second so now it's time to find something new and seems like she catches it well with melancholic Oscar Linnros' feeling of new track "Trasig" - another new song in Swedish but more lyrical and thoughtful. Not sure if it'll keep acoustic sound in studio-version but however it's gonna be something interesting to follow Robyn-esque electronic "Intim". You can check performance of both songs in Nyhetsmorgon below.

- Ярлыки: Intim, Linda Sundblad, Trasig
- (0) Comments
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Kadawatha - Gonna Stay & The Ranger
After incredibly active last year of touring with Paramore in US Kadawatha (our amazing discovery with the single "Agape") is back home to a normal mode and Daniel is working on his debut album.
In the end of 2010 Kadawatha released 2 singles at the same time - "Gonna Stay" and "The Ranger" - both are amazing though we didn't expect anything less from this band.
"Gonna Stay" sounds like more uncontrollable wild brother of "Agape" with powerful alternative sound but still special floating tune you can listen only in Kadawatha music and magic atmosphere. "The Ranger" is less enigmatic song with classic rock-riffs bringing you through the song with beautiful positive energy melodic flow throwing you to a waterfall of feelgood crazy chorus.
You can also find two new songs on band's myspace page: "World Of Hypocrisy" - mostly instrumental dark alternative track and acoustic intimate song "Inspire" with only Daniel's vocal and guitar being quite enough though to put you into peaceful fairy atmosphere (especially recommended!).
Nation X - Revolution!
What can happen when some huge names of Swedish music unite efforts to create big summer hit? Minimum - nothing bad, maximum - big summer hit, though you'll decide yourself now.
Alex Papaconstantinou (Elena Paparizou, Anna Vissi, Sarbel, Arash), Robert Uhlmann (Velvet, Josefine Ridell, Arash), Adam Baptiste (Darin, Elena Paparizou, Anna Vissi) with help of Ali Payami, Fritz Wehner, Jesper Zar and Tobi Lustigman have written new summer anthem "Revolution!" and have presented it under name Nation X - track intended to call for a freedom and to draw attention to current political situation in the world with hot dance rhytms, light Romanian club-vibes and saxophone that seems to be still on fire in dance music due to recent Alexandra Stan's success.