Friday, November 30, 2012
Lena Philipsson in Tack för musiken
This year's Niklas Strömstedt's series of TV shows "Tack för musiken" has started with Lena Philipsson. So we've got a hour of nice friendly chats, spontaneus acoustic covers and sure a lot of Lena's hits made with live band. Below you can check the list of performed songs and the opening one - "Kärleken är evig". Next weeks you'll be able to see Plura, Darin, Lisa Nilsson, Tomas Ledin and Anna Ternheim visiting Niklas but now you can check the whole show here.
19.00 Bästa vänner
27.16 Taking Care Day
29.00 Lena Anthem
31.32 På Gatan Där Jag Bor
45.08 Helt själv
51.09 Det gör ont
54.30 Världen snurrar
- Ярлыки: Lena Philipsson, Tack för musiken
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Kate Boy - In Your Eyes
Recent Swedish electropop-discovery Kate Boy announces release of debut "Northern Lights" EP to be out on 22nd January. Except same-titled track presented few weeks ago EP will include another song "In Your Eyes" that you can already check online.
"In Your Eyes" sounds quite in a vein of "Northern Lights", it's a bit lighter and straight-forward electropop-magic with a slight Niki & The Dove atmosphere mostly bringing by expressive vocal maner. Anyway this is another really promising sneak peek of Kate Boy's stuff so I hope we'll get more of it soon.
Kate Boy - In Your Eyes by iamsoundrecords
- Ярлыки: In Your Eyes, Kate Boy
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Julia Vero - Hollow
Can there be anything more exciting than newcomer standing in a row with artists like Tove Styrke and Lykke Li already with debut single?
Swedish radio has premiered Julia Vero's debut track "Hollow" yesterday and it's basically a good bridge between Tove's and Lykke's stuff sounding tougher and more indie than Tove's music but not as dark and experimental like Lykke's. "Hollow" is epic electropop-track with big percussion and wonderful melody, haunting, mystic and very beautiful.
- Ярлыки: Hollow, Julia Vero
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Bosson - 10.000 Feet (Unofficial Roadtrip video)
Bosson keeps promoting his new single "10.000 Feet" that I still consider one of his best singles and do hope it will become a big hit. Crew has decided not to put a high budget on video but has made it with a maximum of joy. You can also see a lot of Andreas Moe in it as a part of Bosson's band on tour.
- Ярлыки: 10.000 Feet, Bosson
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Miriam Bryant - Raised In Rain (Reprise)
Wonderful discovery of this year Miriam Bryant is on the way to her debut album. The first step with her single "Finders Keepers" has already put her on the map of international audience interest. Who knows how many gems were recorded by Miriam during this year but now you have chance to hear and even download one of them - "Raised In Rain (Reprise)".
The song was already performed live by artist before and now it's out online in studio version, dark minimalistic ballad based on piano and Miriam's voice only but this formula has turned great for making really nice and atmospheric follow-up of "Finders Keepers", not like radio-hit probably but like a pure piece of Miriam's art.
Miriam Bryant - Raised in rain (Reprise) by MiriamBryantMusic
The Amplifetes - You/Me/Evolution
Even if you never heard about Swedish electronic project The Amplifetes before you absolutely should know productions of Henrik Jonback, band's member writing and producing for artists like Britney, Madonna, Kylie Minogue and other world stars.
Shamelessly I haven't heard about them before but it's never too late to discover some talented artists. And we'll do it with their new single "You/Me/Evolution". Guys worked with Miike Snow before and you'll definitely feel something common in atmosphere and concepts of their sound. The track is quite funky and poppier than Mike Snow's latest singles but dances in the same area. The video has made me sad because I've realized that my Swedish pop-faves didn't release such good videos like thousand years.
- Ярлыки: The Amplifetes, You/Me/Evolution
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Håkan Hemlin - Fri
I already told you about Nordman's Håkan Hemlin turning to a solo-career last year. His colleague Mats also had pretty active solo music life lately, guys were performing together as Nordman but now we have a new Håkan's single "Fri" so it seems like we're not going to get fresh Nordman's release soon.
Anyway Håkan's fans shouln't be upset as the new single has turned to be an awesome dramatic rock-song starting with beautiful piano-based verse going epic in chorus, this is like Nordman rejecting its folk-background and adopting U2's "Beautiful Day". I wouldn't refuse to see how good it could go for Håkan if he'd enter Melodifestivalen with the song like this and I hope I'll get a chance once.
- Ярлыки: Fri, Håkan Hemlin, Nordman
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Rob & Nino - I Just Wanna (full version!)
This June Rob & Nino have presented a teaser of their upcoming single "I Just Wanna" creating a fundraising project to make an idea of their video come true. By the end of year the final product is complete and already here!
"I Just Wanna" has turned to be a pretty special follow-up of band's previous dance-sound unexpectedly meeting catchy dubstep-choruses, quite melodic so pop-fans aren't going to be scared and yes, animated video has become properly entertaining so you absolutely should check it.
- Ярлыки: I Just Wanna, Rob and Nino
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Broken Door - Beauty Comes From Within
Broken Door have got a new single from their debut album "Time For Changes" out and this is "Beauty Comes From Within".
The song has become an official 2012 European Curling Championship anthem and another wonderful pop-rock piece of band's album basically full of hit-tunes. After a joyfully exploding "Time For Changes" new single comes back to a dramatic mood of first singles having a beautiful string section and infectious chorus-melody as a good ground.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Amanda Fondell - Bastard (video)
Idol-2011 winner Amanda Fondell presents video for her debut post-Idol single "Bastard" released not so long ago. Yesterday it was officially announced that Amanda will take part in Melodifestivalen with the song "Dumb" written by Freja Blomberg and Fredrik Samsson. And Amanda has appeared at press-conference looking quite darker and more mature than she did at Idol. That's how she also looks in the video. Childhood is over, Amanda is in for some serious games.
- Ярлыки: Amanda Fondell, Bastard
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Darin - Magdalena (Livet före döden)
How possible is bringing such a different music universes like Darin and Sylvia Vrethammar into one track? You can listen to experiments like this only on Så mycket bättre and tonight we've got a chance to check this one.
Darin has made a cover of Sylvia's duo with Kristian Antilla "Magdalena (Livet före döden)" and though it's probably Darin's closest cover to original track (slightly updated with a bigger drums and electronic basses but remaining the same dreamy summerish light pop-rock track in common) it has turned to be more organic than initial version. More emotional and beautiful but still surprising as you never heard Darin like this before. Check the song below skipping at 7.49.
Lucia Pinera - Use Somebody
Another Melodifestivalen-2013 Universal-signed (though it's now called UMusic One, ok) participant gets Youtube-premiere today and this is pretty awesome vocal presentation I should say!
Doing covers is not a new thing for Lucia Pinera, she participated in True Talent and Tommy Körberg who also participates in MF-2013 was her coach (just like Alexander Bard and Amanda with Robin from Idol where he was jury member). Lucia has made a wonderful Alicia Keys' cover at True Talent that you should check below. Now she also presents Kings Of Leon's cover and isn't it awesome?
Lucia's song for Melodifestivalen is called "Must Be Love" and it's written by Peter Kvint (loads of Andreas Johnson's melohits) and Jonas Myrin ("Best Gospel Song" nominee at Grammy-2011).
- Ярлыки: Kings Of Leon, Lucia Pinera, Use Somebody
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Jill Johnson and Rascal Flatts - Come Wake Me Up
Jill Johnson's new album "A Woman Can Change Her Mind" has made a debut at #3 of Swedish chart and this is already her 7th release for 7 years which doesn't miss Top-3 proving Jill's status of one of the most successful Swedish country-singers.
Jill releases second single from new album and this is duo with not less than Rascal Flatts - beautiful country-pop ballad "Come Wake Me Up" with a classic powerful growth nicely joining voices of Jill and Rascal Flatts' vocalist into what could be one of the greatest Lady Antebellum's singles.
- Ярлыки: Come Wake Me Up, Jill Johnson, Rascal Flatts
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State of Drama - Are We Still Ok
I do like how Universal presents signed new meloartists showing their potentiality right after MF press-conferences. Last week we were introduced to Anton Ewald's cover of Justin Bieber's cover and this time we have a chance to check new song "Are We Still Ok" of State of Drama and it sounds quite great!
Anthemic modern pop-rock radio-song with a big arena-sound and grand beautifully growing pop-tune exploding directly with the first chorus.
The band is going to release the album "Fighter" soon and their competing song "Falling" is going to be on it too.
- Ярлыки: Are We Still Ok, Falling, Fighter, State of Drama
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Melodifestivalen-2013 line-up is revealed!
The rest of MF-2013 artists is presented with another bunch of exciting songwriters. Don't know who I am excited the most about but there are a lot.
Eddie Razaz and Ulrik Munther with "Euphoria" team, Janet Leon with Fredrik Kempe, Martin Rolinski with Tomas G:Son and Robin Stjernberg with Debs are definitely those I'm looking forward a lot. But Army Of Lovers are surely the biggest name of the bunch. Can we put money on them performing the last in the last heat? Check the whole list below.
Semifinal 1, Karlskrona 2/2:
Cookies N Beans - Burning Flags (Fredrik Kempe)
Mary N’diaye - Gosa (Johan Åsgärde, Mattias Frändå, Mary N’diaye)
YOHIO - Heartbreak Hotel (Johan Fransson, Tobias Lundgren, Tim Larsson, Henrik Göranson, YOHIO)
Jay-Jay Johanson - Paris (Jay-Jay Johanson)
Anna Järvinen - Porslin (Björn Olsson, Martin Elisson)
David Lindgren - Skyline (Fernando Fuentes, Henrik Nordenback, Christian Fast)
Eric Gadd - Vi kommer aldrig att förlora (Eric Gadd, Thomas Stenström, Jacob Olofsson)
Michael Feiner & Caisa - We’re Still Kids (Michael Feiner, Caisa Ahlroth)
Semifinal 2, Göteborg 9/2:
Joacim Cans - Annelie (Joacim Cans)
Anton Ewald - Begging (Fredrik Kempe, Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad)
Sean Banan - Copacabanana (Sean Banan, Ola Lindholm, Hans Blomberg, Joakim Larsson)
Rikard Wolff - En förlorad sommar (Tomas Andersson Wij)
Erik Segerstedt & Tone Damli - Hello Goodbye (Robin Fredriksson, Mattias Larsson, Måns Zelmerlöw)
Felicia Olsson - Make Me No 1 (Amir Aly, Henrik Wikström, Ingela Pling Forsman, Maria Haukaas Mittet)
Pernilla Wahlgren, Hanna Hedlund, Jenny Silver - On Top Of The World (Peter Boström, Thomas G:son)
Louise Hoffsten - Only The Dead Fish Follow The Stream (Louise Hoffsten, Sandra Bjurman, Stefan Örn)
Semifinal 3, Skellefteå 16/2:
Eddie Razaz - Alibi (Peter Boström, Thomas G:son)
Amanda Fondell - Dumb (Freja Blomberg, Fredrik Samsson)
Ravaillacz (Tommy Körberg, Claes Malmberg, Johan Rabaeus, Mats Ronander) - En riktig jävla schlager (Kjell Jennstig, Leif Goldkuhl, Henrik Dorsin)
State of Drama - Falling (Göran Werner, Sebastian Hallifax, Emil Gullhamn, James Hallifax)
Janet Leon - Heartstrings (Fredrik Kempe, Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad)
Caroline af Ugglas - Hon har inte (Heinz Liljedahl, Caroline af Ugglas)
Martin Rolinski - In And Out Of Love (Thomas G:son, Andreas Rickstrand)
Elin Petersson - Island (Elin Petersson)
Semifinal 4, Malmö 23/2:
Ralf Gyllenhammar - Bed On Fire (Ralf Gyllenhammar, David Wilhelmsson)
Terese Fredenwall - Breaking The Silence (Terese Fredenwall, Simon Petrén)
Behrang Miri - Jalla Dansa Salwa (Behrang Miri, Anderz Wrethov, Firas Razak Tuma, Tacfarinas Yamoun)
Lucia Pinera - Must Be Love (Peter Kvint, Jonas Myrin)
Army of Lovers - Rockin’ The Ride (Alexander Bard, Henrik Wikström, Per QX, Andreas Öhrn, Jean-Pierre Barda)
Ulrik Munther - Tell The World I’m Here (Peter Boström, Thomas G:son, Ulrik Munther)
Sylvia Vrethammar - Trivialitet (Thomas G:son, Calle Kindbom, Mats Tärnfors)
Robin Stjernberg - You (Robin Stjernberg, Linnea Deb, Joy Deb, Joakim Harestad Haukaas)
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Linnea Henriksson - Mitt Rum I Ditt Hjärta (video)
Linnea Henriksson presents video for beautiful updated synth-version of her newest single "Mitt Rum I Ditt Hjärta" from the album "Till mina älskade och älskare" that I hope you've checked as it's clearly one of the best releases of this year.
As the track itself video has turned dark, emotional and corresponding to magic atmosphere of the song.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Otto Knows - Million Voices
Otto Knows has become one of the most notable Swedish club-exports of the year. Hit-single "Million Voices" released this summer still holds good positions in iTunes-charts - UK, Germany, France and loads of other countries are definitely into it and surprisingly only now we get a video for this infectious tune.
If you've missed video-cut which served as video before, check it also below, it's also quite entertaining.
- Ярлыки: Million Voices, Otto Knows
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FAYE - Breathe Out
Recently Fanny "FAYE" Hemlin has presented brand new track "Breathe Out" which has become a new single being released few weeks ago and today we have a premiere of its video.
If you heard previous Faye's songs I was talking about you realize what sort of dark electronic stuff she has started to make lately (by the way she has started to work with Kleerup lately so you should expect something exciting soon) and "Breathe Out" goes probably even deeper and darker. It's mystic, screaming, slightly pop-surrealistic and very dramatic and video reflects atmosphere of the song quite well.
- Ярлыки: Breathe Out, Faye
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Happy Hoes on TV
These days before the final bunch of Melodifestivalen-2013 is announced on Monday exciting keeps growing in Army Of Lovers fans bubble. Seems like now it's clear that La Camilla has chosen Army, not Hapy Hoes, to perform with and Dominika isn't going to appear in line-up. Army's song is called "Rockin' The Ride" and it's co-written by Alexander Bard and Henrik Wikström among others. Alexander and Henrik worked together on "Lay Your Love On Me", "I Thought It Was Forever" and Gravitonas' stuff so it's turning more than exciting!
But back to Happy Hoes, I don't know if the project will keep going after all these scandals but the band has delivered one of the best Swedish Christmas songs "Happy Ho Ho Ho" in 2012 and recently has appeared on TV4 to perform it lip-syncing but still cool.

- Ярлыки: Happy Ho Ho Ho, Happy Hoes
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Last Lynx - Killing Switch
Alexander Bard's label SoFo records grows the base of promising signed newcomers and starts working with another fresh band - Last Lynx which releases brand new single "Killing Switch". There's a big lack of information about this project, guys have only released one EP "Alaska" last winter so let's start introduction right from the new track which is melodic indie-pop record, slightly funky but poppy enough, that sort of stuff which you can turn on as a background and keeping on repeat few hours. Really looking forward to get more stuff from this band in a close future.
- Ярлыки: Killing Switch, Last Lynx
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Ulrich Bermsjö & Titiyo - Tarantula
Ex-Nouveau Riche Ulrich Bermsjö keeps promoting his solo-album "Those Who Suffer Love" I was talking about few months ago.
Since this summer he has managed to release quite contraversial video for the next beautiful and utterly dark single "Silence and I" and now he presents new video for another album track "Tarantula" recorded with not less than Titiyo!
The song keeps common mystic direction of the album, this is relaxed minimalistic piano-based ballad with a slight 90s feeling and Titiyo's vocals becoming a really nice atmospheric feature of the track.
Ulrich Bermsjö & Titiyo "Tarantula" from Ulrich Bermsjö on Vimeo.
- Ярлыки: Tarantula, Titiyo, Ulrich Bermsjö
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Caroline Roosmark calendar-2013
Christmas time and Caroline Roosmark shoots with a new wonderful charity calendar full of cebreties musicians (that this blog is basically interested) in quite unexpected images. Can you even guess everyone? Personally I wouldn't guess Moa Lignell, though she's looking incredibly charming. Thorsten Flinck, Lisa Nilsson, Nassim al Fakir and Andreas Lundstedt have also got their special images. Lisa has almost turned to Swedish Monica Bellucci becoming a real fiece of collection. You can buy calendar and watch the rest of photos here (also check some pics of 2012 and 2011 calendars).

Robin Stjernberg - Scars (video)
Robin Stjernberg who's gonna be announced next Monday in a final bunch of Melodifestivalen artists premieres video for his latest single "Scars". Nice to see him experimenting with image which is a bit Adam Lambert-lite pack but Adam is a proper pop-character to follow visually and it's gonna be exciting to see what Robin will come up with at MF. You can also check Robin doing "Scars" in acoustic on the radio below.
- Ярлыки: Robin Stjernberg, Scars
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Monday, November 19, 2012
Måns Zelmerlöw & Molly Sandén - Nu När Jag Ser Dig
Like probably it happens in every country some Swedish pop-stars are usually involved in doing voices of Disney cartoons and I already told you about Joakim Berg and Ola making their Disney contributions.
I already mentioned Måns and Molly singing in Swedish parts of Tangled characters but as a new Disney compilation (including also tracks with Jessica Andersson, Peter Jöback and Brandur) is out it's a good reason to remind you about beautiful duo of Måns and Molly "Nu När Jag Ser Dig" which has become its first track.
Thanks for the tip to Popdrömmen.
First names of Melodifestivalen-2013!
Today we've got the first official bunch of artists to perform at Melodifestivalen-2013 and though everyone except Jay-Jay Johanson were guessed right by Aftonbladet can it be not exciting to know that Fredrik Kempe has written the song for Cookies N Beans or Maria Haukaas writing for newcomer Felicia Olsson or old schlager-team Johan Fransson, Tobias Lundgren, Tim Larsson working with Yohio?
Check the full list below!
I also add video presentation of Anton Ewald (who's already bookies fave of his semifinal) singing Justin Bieber's cover. Can he become this year's Eric Saade? With Fredrik Kempe's hit - easily!
Semifinal 1, Karlskrona 2/2:
Cookies N Beans - Burning Flags (Fredrik Kempe)
Mary N’diaye - Gosa (Johan Åsgärde, Mattias Frändå, Mary N’diaye)
YOHIO - Heartbreak Hotel (Johan Fransson, Tobias Lundgren, Tim Larsson, Henrik Göranson, YOHIO)
Jay-Jay Johanson - Paris (Jay-Jay Johanson)
Anna Järvinen - Porslin (Björn Olsson, Martin Elisson)
David Lindgren - Skyline (Fernando Fuentes, Henrik Nordenback, Christian Fast)
Eric Gadd - Vi kommer aldrig att förlora (Eric Gadd, Thomas Stenström, Jacob Olofsson)
Michael Feiner & Caisa - We’re Still Kids (Michael Feiner, Caisa Ahlroth)
Semifinal 2, Göteborg 9/2:
Joacim Cans - Annelie (Joacim Cans)
Anton Ewald - Begging (Fredrik Kempe, Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad)
Sean Banan - Copacabanana (Sean Banan, Ola Lindholm, Hans Blomberg, Joakim Larsson)
Rikard Wolff - En förlorad sommar (Tomas Andersson Wij)
Erik Segerstedt & Tone Damli - Hello Goodbye (Robin Fredriksson, Mattias Larsson, Måns Zelmerlöw)
Felicia Olsson - Make Me No 1 (Amir Aly, Henrik Wikström, Ingela Pling Forsman, Maria Haukaas Mittet)
Pernilla Wahlgren, Hanna Hedlund, Jenny Silver - On Top Of The World (Peter Boström, Thomas G:son)
Louise Hoffsten - Only The Dead Fish Follow The Stream (Louise Hoffsten, Sandra Bjurman, Stefan Örn)
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Darin - Astrologen
I'm happy to announce that Darin's "En apa som liknar dig" has got #1 on Swedish iTunes this week and has entered Top-10 of common chart (#7) while "Stockholm" has become #14.
Today we've probably got the most original Darin's Så mycket bättre cover. This time Darin has made a beautiful synth-ballad out of Magnus Uggla's song "Astrologen", utterly dramatic and having a slight musical feeling but turning quite epic in a chorus and Darin's voice is an important key to bring up its epicness.
It's just 2 Darin's covers we have left to hear but don't get upset, cover of new Darin's album was already shot recently so it shouldn't take too long before release date will be revealed.
- Ярлыки: Astrologen, Darin
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Friday, November 16, 2012
Estello ft. Pitbull & Roscoe Umali - Till The Stars Come Out
Melodifestivalen constantly have examples of backing vocalists/singers who successfully build solo-career coming back to the contest as performing artists. Linda Pritchard, Velvet, Rongedal... What if we have another upcoming star?
You could often see Alvaro Estrella backing artists at Melodifestivalen, Allsång på Skansen and other TV-shows latest years, he even danced behind Eric Saade at Eurovision and now Alvaro has taken the name Estello to work on his debut album.
The first single "Till The Stars Come Out" has become a wonderful RedOne-esque dance-stomper with a big euphoric chorus featuring not less than Pitbull.
Another Melodifestivalen-dancer Anton Ewald is going to start solo-career with Fredrik Kempe's song at Melodifestivalen-2013 but as long as it's unoffical we keep enjoying the real release from Estello.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Agnes at Fotbollsgalan
Agnes keeps marching from one TV-show to another this year having a massive promotion of her latest album and tries to take every with a full responsibility coming in new images but constantly nice in live performing. Today you can watch her singing "All I Want Is You" at Fotbollsgalan and this is another quite worth checking performance made in Globen and broadcasted by TV4.
- Ярлыки: Agnes, All I Want Is You, Fotbollsgalan
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December songs of Martin Stenmarck
New Martin Stenmarck's album "Decembersånger" recorded with London Philharmonic Orchestra is out and already available to check here with Martin's own descriptions of songs here.
The album has turned to be mostly ballad and can it go wrong when you involve London Philharmonic Orchestra doing Christmas album?
Five new songs and five classic tracks have made a wonderful fairytale mood of the album keeping the listener intrigued with fresh music pieces of Christmas-Martin and warmed up with some beloved songs which just can't go dated. Just like visiting symphonic concert you don't think how many times you heard these melodies before, you just dip down into a magic atmosphere and enjoy the wold of music created by orchestra.
Duo with Hanna Hedlund "Besvärjelser" previously released by Hanna solo has become one of the most beautiful experiments of the album, reminding me Pernilla Andersson when she has appeared on Måns Zelmerlöw's Christmas album. Yes, right before she has performed at Melodifestivalen just like Hanna who is rumoured to enter MF-2013 according to Aftonladet. After many years together and three kids Hanna and Martin are finally going to get married which was recently reported in local media.
Icona Pop - Downtown / Wanna B With Somebody
Even if you followed Icona Pop very attentively this year girls have saved some tasty pieces for you to get on their debut album "Icona Pop".
To be exact album includes 5 new tracks and here you can check them below (with "Good For You" which was released previously but was slightly re-produced and "Rocket Science" i- band's collaboration with Style of Eye unleashed this spring)! My absolute favorites out of these tracks are electropop-candy "Downtown" and heavy dubstep-flirt "Wanna B With Somebody". Though you'll probably find your own favorites, don't hesitate to do it!
- Ярлыки: Downtown, Flashback, Heads Up, Icona Pop, My Party, Wanna B with Somebody
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Mattias Andréasson - Bara För Ikväll
Fresh piece of Mattias Andréasson music hasn't taken too long.
Here we have a newly presented track "Bara För Ikväll" which going in the same direction as "Förlåt Mig" and "Stänga Av" but is the purest r'n'b of this family working very well with Mattias' mild vocal.
As I already said Mattias builds quite interesting music concept so I hope that unleashed traffic of his new stuff will end up with a finally released debut album.
Icona Pop - We Got The World (video)
Icona Pop's debut album (which is undoubtedly Top-5 of Swedish albums-2012 in my personal list) "Icona Pop" is finally out in Sweden! The most of tracks were already released before but there are still five more new tracks (including some other great gems) to check so I'm looking forward to share them with you when they'll be presented online.
For now you can also watch band's new video for the latest single "We Got The World" which is documentary cut but nice to follow anyway as lon as the song is brilliant.
- Ярлыки: Icona Pop, We Got The World
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Peter Jöback - Jul Nu Igen
No Christmas without Peter Jöback. This year Peter re-releases his "Jag kommer hem igen till jul" album 10 years after original release (which has spent 5 weeks at #1 in Sweden). New edition has included 3 tracks from "En god jul och ett gott nytt år" and brand new single "Jul Nu Igen".
On a new single Peter basically sticks to his current formula of work with Niclas Frisk and Andreas Mattsson. "Jul Nu Igen" is unhurried theatrical half-acoustic ballad with beautiful live-band arrangement and surely nice Christmas feeling. Those who liked latest Peter's releases should also like this one. Check the snippet of the song here.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Vinsten - Luckiest Girl
New Swedish electropop-project Vinsten has got a very good start when SVT has used band's debut single "The Luckiest Girl" as soundtrack to a new series Portkod 1321.
Melancholic electro-song growing from minimalistic dark intro to a pulsating infectious tune of the chorus still with an essential drop of drama was noticed by audience and keeps flowing well on iTunes. Ulrik Munther has recently made a cover of the song and you can check it along with original version below.
- Ярлыки: Luckiest Girl, Ulrik Munther, Vinsten
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Amanda Jenssen - Hymns For The Haunted
Wonderful Amanda Jenssen presents third album "Hymns For The Haunted" today, soon we'll know if it'll become as successful as her previous two albums but already now you can check how good is it.
During the last week Amanda presented album tracks on Spotify and soon they were leaking at youtube so if you don't live in Sweden you can check them anyway.
I should say that though I expected Amanda to make a darkest and deepest record of her discography, it hasn't happened, it's probably the poppiest but not any less atmospheric than previous albums. Amanda to the bone with her love to retro-pop but at the same time quite various combining soul and jazzy-party vibes with some melancholic beatiful ballads.
My absolute favorite is "Volcano Swing" - the track of "Happyland" and "Amarulla Tree" family and also dramatic cabaret "Thunderful Jolene" and Spanish-flavoured "Boom". One of the best Swedish albums of the year.
Dry My Soul
Open The Lid
Michael's Garden
Light And Easy
Lay Down
The Carnival
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Molitor feat. Lalla - Follow Your Heart
When I've heard the track "Follow Your Heart" from new Swedish artist and producer Molitor I've tried to find some production relations with Rebecca & Fiona or Adrian Lux but no, it was written and produced by Molitor and Lalla.
I'd say "Follow Your Heart" is a great combination of Adrian Lux's dreamy and dark electronic productions for Rebecca & Fiona going dancier and having more direct pop vocal-line and explosive club-chorus than mentioned Rebecca & Fiona usually have.
Thanks for this interesting tip to europopped blog.
- Ярлыки: Follow Your Heart, Lalla, Molitor
- (1) Comments
Rabih - Om Du Vill Se Mig
Ex-Rebound members keep working on a new stuff. Aftonbladet reveals today that Eddie Razaz's song written by "Euphoria"-team is accepted to Melodifestivalen-2013 and at the same time Rabih Jaber has a new single "Om Du Vill Se Mig" out!
If you like Rabih's previous songs you absolutely should like the new one as well, it's club-pop track in the same vein though with a proper level-up of catchines and production. And yes, it's in Swedish but Rabih sounds as comfortable in Swedish with his dance-direction as in English, maybe even more natural so don't miss the song.
- Ярлыки: Om Du Vill Se Mig, Rabih
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Kevin Borg - Christmas Time
Few days ago Eurovision-world has got some exciting news from Kevin Borg, the artist is going to take part in Maltese preselection, no details yet but his entry was accepted and by rumours Thomas G:Son also has the song in competition (not clear if it's for Kevin though!).
As a proper warm-up Kevin has released new single "Christmas Time" - big classic ballad with a nice Christmas (and at the same Idol-winning?) atmosphere. Track has directly gone #1 on iTunes in Malta which is a good sign for Kevin and really nice pre-Eurovision promo.
- Ярлыки: Christmas Time, Kevin Borg
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Monday, November 12, 2012
George Vector feat. Deborah Cox - Remember Me (From The Ghetto)
Remember Deborah Cox featuring one of Swedish House Mafia's releases "Leave The World Behind"?
Lady has come back to help new Swedish club-star in the making George Victor with a new single "Remember Me (From The Ghetto)" (which is actually cover of Blue Boy's song and you can actualy feel 90s vibes even though it's properly 2012-produced).
Soul-diva vocal always worked great with house-tracks and this is not exception, pack feels like a good dancefloor-filler and not too overloaded or agressive to become a wondeful daily soundtrack not just for house-fans.
Single will include mixes from Adam Rickfors, Peter Bacall and Felix Voya so don't forget to check them as well.
Happy Hoes - Happy Ho Ho Ho
Army Of Lovers or at least its female part is on the way to Melodifestivalen-2013!
There were a lot of rumours regarding Happy Hoes, the band of La Camilla, Dominika and Martin Johansson, aimed for the contest during last few weeks. Expressen has recently revealed that SVT accepeted La Camilla and Alexander Bard if they would return with Dominika Peczynski and Jean-Pierre Barda as Army Of Lovers. But according to Aftonbladet's article today it will more likely be Happy Hoes. Christer Björkman still hasn't decided but it's also revealed that the song written by Dr. Alban has become the best option for the band.
While waiting for decision we can enjoy newly leaked "Happy Ho Ho Ho" - Christmas disco-single in its best with a properly schlageristic growth and nice production. And I should mention this is the first Swedish proper Christmas dance-single of the year!
- Ярлыки: Happy Ho Ho Ho, Happy Hoes
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Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sarah Dawn Finer - Den Andra Kvinnan
Sarah Dawn Finer's new album "Sanningen kommer om natten" has become her 4th Top-3 which says that Sarah is a rare case of the artist born at Melodifestivalen who can moving on without taking part in the contest quite long. She seems very comfortable with her new music image and today she visited Nyhetmorgon to perform some tracks from the album.
One of them "Den Andra Kvinnan" I'd recommend to check to those people who still have pop-Sarah in English as their favorite. The song (if we take it separately imagining this is the first sarah's Swedish track) is basically not that far from old Sarah's tracks like "Does She Know You" - right that sort of dramatic piano-based ballad beautifuly growing with Sarah's powerful voice. You can also check performances of other album tracks "Vasastan" and "Med dig vid min sida".

Saturday, November 10, 2012
Darin - I Can't Get You Off My Mind
This week Darin has logically slowed down the tempo to make a cover of Miss Li's "I Can't Get You Off My Mind" at Så Mycket Bättre. We had his dance-versions two weeks in a row so another track he worked with has turned to dramatic retro pop pop-ballad reminding me Maria Haukaas Storeng's "Hold On Be Strong". You never heard Darin like this before and it's an interesting experience, my least favorite so far (after "Stockholm" and "En apa som liknar dig") but nice anyway.
- Ярлыки: Darin, I Can't Get You Off My Mind, Miss Li
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Thursday, November 8, 2012
Amanda Fondell - Bastard
Idol-winner Amanda Fondell presents her debut post-Idol single "Bastard" wonderfuly following the path she has started on "All This Way" - song she has won Idol with.
New track was written by Oscar Görres, Ilya Salmanzadeh, Ana Diaz, produced by Oscar and Ilya and it sounds quite caramel-pop Idol-Duffy. While "All This Way" was dreamier melancholic ballad, "Bastard" grows up the tempo, the mood and goes pretty playful. Basically right that pack that should have been expected from Amanda and she doesn't fail to meet the expectations.
You can check radio premiere of the song below.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Robin Bengtsson - Cross the Universe
Robin Bengtsson (3rd place of Idol-2008 - Anna Bergendahl, Kevin Borg, Alice Svensson) is finally back with a new and very good single "Cross the Universe".
After his first post-Idol attempt "Another Lover's Gone" released back in 2009 Robin never was away presenting his acoustic covers and being involved earlier this year in Byz's single "Tjena, Tjena, Tjena".
But now it's time for Robin's own single which was co-written by him with Linnea Debb, Joy Debb and Robin Stjernberg. Linnea and Joy were involved in Ulrik Munther's platinum single "Soldiers" and "Cross the Universe" feels on the one hand like a logical progression of "Another Lover's Gone" and on the other hand it sounds like a more mature version of "Soldiers" starting with just a singer's voice and guitar in a simple sing-a-long combination and rushing on you with a massive beat of the chorus.
Great pop-comeback which I hope won't be followed by another releasing break.